About Us
We provide you the assurance and well-deserved piece of mind that you have made an educated decision related to your mineral or royalty ownership.

Aliign, LLC was originally formed in 2009 to provide assistance to people who have benefited from the Haynesville Shale. We recognized a need for management services specifically catered to individuals who lacked the time, knowledge and experience to effectively and efficiently monitor their mineral interests. In 2017, Aliign, LLC joined forces with Heard, McElroy & Vestal, LLC to form Aliign Mineral Management, LLC. The merger has expanded and enhanced the companies’ ability to provide top level services to businesses and individuals with oil and gas holdings.

At Aliign Mineral Management, our primary goal is to maximize your earning potential by getting you paid what is rightfully yours.

We take pride in developing a relationship with each client on a personal level. We cater to your specific need. Your best interest is our only interest.